Solubility and phase equilibria in the Na, Са || СО3, НСО3–H2O system at 0 °С
The information on phase equilibria in the Na, Ca || CO3, HCO3-H2O system at 0 °С, predicted earlier by the translation method, has been obtained experimentally. Dependences of the concentration parameters reflecting phase equilibria are presented in the form of geometric patterns on the solubility diagram for the system studied. The diagram of solubility of the investigated system at 0 °С is constructed for the first time, in which the contours of the crystallization fields of individual phases are outlined, the conditions for their сo-crystallization in the form of curves and points are determined.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15826/chimtech/2017.4.3.04
Copyright (c) 2017 L. Soliev, M. T. Dzhumaev, B. B. Dzhabborov

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Chimica Techno Acta, 2014–2025
eISSN 2411-1414
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