A review on agrowaste based activated carbons for pollutant removal in wastewater systems
Environmental pollution from chemicals utilized in manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, and chemical process industries is of serious concern nowadays due to the contamination that ensues when these chemicals are discharged into water bodies. Activated carbon adsorption provides an efficient and economically viable means for mitigation of toxic chemicals (i.e., heavy metals, dyes, pharmaceutics, and antibiotics). However, the exorbitant cost of commercial activated carbons has resulted in the search for low-cost alternatives for the treatment of contaminated effluents. An exhaustive literature survey in this area is necessary to know the extent of work done in this area and seek out the gaps that future research will provide answers to. In this review, various works on activated carbon utilization, batch adsorption, fixed-bed adsorption (experimental and numerical studies) are summarized. This review elucidates the different kinetic and isotherm models of agrowastes-derived activated carbon materials in context with pollutants (dyes, heavy metals, pharmaceuticals, miscellaneous adsorbates) removal through batch and column methods. In addition, fixed-bed column adsorption/regeneration methods using various activated carbons derived from agrowastes are discussed. Among these methods, heavy metal adsorption from aqueous solutions by the activated carbons is the most efficient. The deployment of mathematical and machine learning approaches (ANN and novel GMDH algorithms) in optimization of batch and continuous adsorption processes are also highlighted. Numerical simulation of fixed-column adsorption systems for more improved industrial-scale column designs is described. Conclusions and future challenges of chemicals removal from polluted wastewater utilizing agrowaste-derived activated carbons are also presented.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15826/chimtech.2024.11.2.02
Copyright (c) 2024 Karinate Valentine Okiy, Joseph Nwabanne Tagbo, Walter Peter Echeng

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Chimica Techno Acta, 2014–2025
eISSN 2411-1414
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