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Elektrocyclone hydrodynamic flow computation

A. G. Titov, Z. R. Gilvanova, N. V. Inyushkin, A. I. Aitova, I. P. Shhelchkov, N. A. Tokareva, M. G. Mankov, S. A. Perfilov


To analyze the elektrocyclone flow hydrodynamic computer calculation using the finite element method (FEM) is applied. The geometry of the model corresponds to the laboratory  elektrocyclone. k-ε-turbulence model is used for the computation. The system of equations is solved by SIMPLE algorithm. The calculation results give a pattern of the flow velocity distribution and flow lines in different sections. There is conclusion based on the results about elektrocyclone flow hydrodynamic.


hydrodynamics of an elektrocyclone; finite element method; simulation; technology


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Copyright (c) 2014 A. G. Titov, Z. R. Gilvanova, N. V. Inyushkin, A. I. Aitova, I. P. Shhelchkov, N. A. Tokareva, M. G. Mankov, S. A. Perfilov

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Chimica Techno Acta, 2014–2025
eISSN 2411-1414
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